well, hello. bonjour. salut.
we are super excited to welcome you.
what does it take to be a good breeder?
... all you will find here :)
We are a member of the VSSÖ (Verein für Schweizer Sennenhunde in Österreich)
the ÖKV (Österreichischer Kynologen Verband) and FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale),
hence we breed according to their standards.
But, we are a lot more than a FCI kennel.
We are a crazy bunch of love and happiness.
A bernese pack that steadily grew over the years.
Mountains, long walks and heaps of cuddles make up our days.
We simply enjoy ourselves and this amazing life.
Want to share some more bernese love and fun?
Are you even interested in a friend for life?
Follow us:
You want to know more about this amazing breed?
bring it on :)
facebook: @bernervomhirschenschlag
instagramm: berner_vom_hirschenschlag
well, we still have phones - no worries, just ring for a little chat :)